One of my favorite themes that seems to be recurring through scripture is God's recruiting strategy. He never seemed to go after the obvious choice. Let's just say he picks his team differently than when you or I were kickball captains in grade school.
I was never anyone's first pick for team sports. Many of you probably remember the feeling of being picked last. As a kid, this was discouraging, but it led me toward music where I excelled. As an adult, I've learned a few lessons about being picked last or feeling like you're always finishing second place.
Anyone who you admire as a successful athlete, entrepreneur, or spiritual leader didn't begin how you view them now. You're only seeing them in the limelight of their success. Don't allow comparison and insecurities to cause you to think you're never going to be used by God in a big way. When he wants to accomplish things here on earth, he uses everyday people. Not only does he recruit average Joe's, he seemed to go after the people that culture dismisses.
In ancient times, the first born son was the one the fathers would honor and elevate. In any family matter, it was always clear who would get the preferential treatment - the first born son. However, God would consistently break these social norms by recruiting the underdog, or the second born sons.
God delighted in Abel's offering over Cain's (older brother).
God chose Jacob to become the leader over Esau (older brother).
God chose Moses to become the leader over Aaron (older brother).
David was anointed to be the next king over all of his older brothers.
In Jesus' parable of the prodigal son, the rebellious younger brother was more celebrated than his faithful older brother.
The labels that would normally prevent you and I from significance are often the very places where God does the greatest work. Every time you're overlooked at work for a promotion, God still sees your potential. Every time you're told, "let's just be friends," God still knows your worth. Every time your kids are embarrassed by you, God still knows how much they need you.
Embrace the disqualifications and doubts that others place on you. It's an opportunity for God to exceed their expectations and ultimately be glorified through you.
But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. 1 Corinthians 12:9
Here is a pic that will help you understand why music was the path for me.

Great message here. Very encouraging!
very good